Improve your appearance and chewing ability
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Images of implant restoration performed by Dr. Subrata Mukherjee
Dental implants provide replacement of lost tooth or teeth in upper or lower dentition. For someone who lost single or multiple teeth, dental implants provide best replacement for lost chewing ability not to mention reinstating a great appearance when required. Someone who lost all the teeth of the dentition, implants provide support to the denture imparting increased stability and chewing ability, an experience close to presence of natural teeth. Dental implants are currently considered Gold Standard for replacement of missing tooth/ teeth.
There are three parts to any dental implant. Actual implant or a screw like structure is surgically placed in the jaw bone and remains to stay there during the life time of the implant. A missing single tooth is replaced by a Crown or a ‘cap’. This is in turn connected to the implant by a connector or ‘Abutment’. In case of an upper or lower denture multiple implants with multiple connectors support it.
Dr. Subrata Mukherjee, DDS, FFDRCS is a certified Dental Implantologist. Call 518-482-7688 for an appointment.